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CNP Assurances launches a new type of individual healthcare cover distributed by Amétis, its commercial employee network

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Placer sans risque : le fonds EURO+, le meilleur du marché

Le fonds en euros EURO+ proposé par Swiss Life a publié une performance annualisée remarquable de + 4.10 % en 2023, sans le moindre bonus de rendement. Ce fonds euros est accessible en exclusivité via le contrat d’assurance-vie monosupport Placement-direct EURO+. Avec EURO+, aucune contrainte d’investissement sur des unités de compte ne pourra donc exister. Sans frais sur les versements, ce contrat EURO+ peut être considéré comme étant un des meilleurs plans épargne sans risque 2024.

Paris, 19 July 2018

“Ma Santé" is CNP Assurances’ first individual healthcare cover to be distributed by Amétis, its commercial employee network. Modular and customisable, subscribers can select the level of reimbursement for each type of care : hospitalisation, day-to-day care, dental care, eye care, etc.

With the “Ma Santé" cover, subscribers can adapt the level of reimbursement for each type of care, depending on their needs and those of their beneficiaries. Divided into 5 categories (hospitalisation, day-to-day care, pharmacy, dental care and eye care), each one of which has six levels of guarantee, this new individual offering means that bespoke healthcare cover is now possible.

The cost of a number of ancillary services can also be covered, such as hearing aids, thermal baths, osteopathy, nutritional assessments, etc.

Innovative and guaranteed support services

The “Ma Santé” individual healthcare cover also includes access to the Lyfe website. Launched in 2015 by CNP Assurances, Lyfe provides eight services geared towards healthcare, well-being and ageing well, and offers its users day-to-day support in the form of completely customisable exclusive content that falls into ten main health topics

Each contract will also include access to Filassistance guarantees. As soon as subscribers take these out, they will be able to take advantage of support services should they suffer an accident (help with searching for a doctor, getting medicines to them, sending urgent messages, etc.), in the event of their being hospitalised, or should their carers require help (training, assessment, search for a host institution, etc.).

“Ma Santé”, the new individual healthcare cover, is already being offered by 220 advisers throughout the Amétis network, and supplements the range of individual savings and retirement products already available (Perenna Santé TNS, Perenna Prévoyance TNS and Perenna Madelin Retraite).

"With our continual desire to meet the protection requirements of both our customers and our partners, I am delighted that our range of retirement products is being further expanded with this new offering – one which is highly competitive in terms of the value for money of the services it delivers. Once again, CNP Assurances and its teams have been able to satisfy customers and enable employees across the Amétis network to provide innovative solutions tailored to meet changes in people’s needs and behaviour. In both the way in which it is put together and marketed, this new individual healthcare offering also shows just how much emphasis we place on providing our customers and employees with satisfaction", says Dominique Hilaire, director of the Amétis commercial network.

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Les offres promotionnelles sont soumises à conditions.

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